Recently GE has discontinued production of their CL line of IEC rated contactors from 9 AMPS to 105 AMPS along with the auxiliary contacts, overload relays and accessories. This was an extremely popular line, especially in the HVAC and elevator industries, subsequently leaving a big hole to fill.
IMC-Direct has procured a certified replacement for the GE CL series of contactors from the manufacturer WEG. WEG has a long history in the motor control industry and manufacturers nearly identical contactors as the previous GE line both in electrical rating and dimensional makeup. For all sizes the same auxiliary contacts and accessories can be interchanged and on the larger size contactors, from 50 AMP and above, overload relays and replacement coils are also interchangeable.
IMC-Direct is proud to offer the CWM line of WEG contactors as a certified replacement for the GE CL series of contactors and at a discounted cost to their predecessors. We now stock the full line of CWM contactors from 9 to 105 AMPS in all existing coils voltages along with their complementary auxiliaries and overload relays.